An extraordinary brand launch
QUANTA Dialysis Technologies is a British medical technology innovation company, whose flagship personal haemodialysis system SC+, was commercialised in 2020, after 10 years’ development and both CE certification and FDA approval for commercialisation in the UK and USA.
As it turned out, the first shipment of new SC+ devices went straight to ICU wards across the UK to help deal with emergency kidney failure patients at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the previous year, we had been working with the senior team to reposition and redefine the QUANTA corporate brand strategy, in readiness for international growth and commercial expansion. Through internal and external stakeholder research we evolved and validated a new articulation for the brand focused on Quanta’s drive to enable people’s lives, which led to a new brand Purpose: To Improve Dialysis Experiences and Help People Live More Freely.

Engineered for Freedom
Thoughtful, well-crafted engineering and human-factors-based product design enabling more freedom, inspired not only the brand positioning but also a fresh, dynamic brand identity. The crafted QUANTA logotype and kinetic visual language are designed from colourful font segments that literally have the freedom to move. The identity animates into multiple configurations, a series of ‘ownable’ visual properties and of course, into human characters. All of which adds to the compelling QUANTA brand and product innovation story and builds a distinctive brand identity and language that can flex from investor communications through to product and patient marketing. More importantly still, it differentiates QUANTA from its much larger global competitors to create cut through and impact.

Lift off!
Our work on QUANTA’s new brand strategy, product messaging, investor communications and visual identity were all timed to support a major Series D fundraising round, to take the business to the next level in the UK, US and beyond. In June 2021 it was announced QUANTA had raised a record $245m – the largest ever single round of private fundraising for a dialysis company in history.
Great product innovation. Great brand. Great result.

QUANTA Dialysis Technologies
Brand strategy, positioning and brand identity
Healthcare & Medical
Professional Services
Brand and Sales Messaging
Brand Strategy
Marketing Communications
Visual Identity